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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

cranky kibosh

"Mars will be in Virgo until July 28,
giving this month an extra touch of fun.
You've become used to having Saturn in your
friendship / fun / events house,
which is a little like having a
cranky old person putting the kibosh on any plans
you had to kick back and enjoy yourself."
"Not only will Saturn's exit from
your eleventh house help you see friends more,
Saturn's exit will help your love life, too.
I say this because planets in one house
always ping energy to the opposite house on the wheel.
In your case, Saturn was staring at your fifth house
of true love for nearly three years - now,
when he moves on, your romantic life should improve significantly,
and when it does you may feel it's almost a miracle."
"You'll have an unusually lively time,
but you will, of course,
have to be willing to leave your cozy couch to
find that happiness in the world."
i can't help but feel a bit optimistic.
good news with a grain of salt.



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my name is sera. i am a packrat.